Reviews From Our Coaches


Nadine Al Zumot, Certified Money Coach (CMC)® – “For years, I felt like something was missing from my life. I knew I had this purpose I had a craving to fulfil. I have been helping people with their money for years in my capacity as a Financial Coach, however I always felt like there was a certain level of depth that was missing in my work with my clients. Surely, I wasn’t meant to just help people with surface level issues, I really wanted to help get them to the very root and origins of such behaviours and feelings around money. Luckily, I was sharing this concern with a friend of mine and she told me not to wait another minute, what I needed was Deborah Price and her teachings! And she was right on the money! I am so very grateful that Deborah shared her life’s work with us in the form of a certification. What she teaches is important and life changing. Her teachings are much needed in our world. Through being coached by Deborah, and through going deep into her course, I was able to change into the person I always knew I would be. It gave me the tools and the knowledge and the framework to be able to go deep with myself and my clients.

Upon completion of the CMC®️ certification, I was able to sign all my previous clients back to take them through the program. Furthermore, I decided to add the Money Type Quiz created by Deborah onto my website, and I must say the way her developers and team were able to make this process so easy and painless for me from a tech point of view was just impressive. Having that quiz as one of my resources is a fun little tool that got my past and future clients and friends intrigued and interested in signing up to learn more about the why behind their financial behaviours. All in all, this has been a dream experience! It was exactly what was needed for me to go deeper and create a bigger impact in this lifetime. Thank you Deborah and the MCI Team! ”

Evangelos Diavolitis, Certified Money Coach (CMC)® & Entrepreneur, Calgary, Canada – “The word “master” should only be reserved for a precious few on the planet.  The first time I attended a workshop of Deborah’s, I knew that I was participating in something masterful created by a true original.  She is a pioneer in the field of money coaching and far beyond helping me with my money issues, she provided me with the necessary tools to make peace with myself, my family and my past.  She is worth every penny invested and worth every minute of time spent in her presence. I fell so in love with this body of work that I quit my day job and became a money coach.  Life has never been so fluid and fulfilling.  Anything seems possible when coached by a master.”

Lama Farran, Certified Money Coach (CMC)®, Montreal, Quebec – “Deborah is simply in a league of her own. As a coach in training, I always looked forward to attending her classes, because they’re always a delight and they’re packed with new insights. I saw the impact she had on my “practice client” in class: in a couple of hours, my client was able to become self-aware in a way she had never experienced before, even with lots of hours spent in a traditional therapist’s office. Deborah has a special gift, and it’s been a privilege to be one of those she shares her gifts with. My Certified Money Coaching training allowed me to serve my clients in a much more holistic way. It’s not just about telling people to spend less than they earn. I can now dig much deeper and pinpoint the patterns that led them to where they are today. Deborah’s training has been crucial in my pursuit of understanding the human mind around money. I am truly so blessed for having been her student.”

Jeremy Castelino, Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, Psychologist, Perth, Australia – “I am sure that in the world today money today money plays a pivotal role in both individual and relationships needs and wants and can be the source of much conflict.  This doesn’t have to be the case and increasing one’s own awareness of their own limiting patterns and beliefs inhibiting money success is the key to making changes and enhancing one’s fulfillment and happiness in the world. Deborah Price is indeed a visionary thinker and futurist in the psychology of money. To the individuals wanting to transform their relationship to money and for all the coaches out, there I warmly recommend her expansive work to increase your own and your client’s well being in the world. As a psychologist I intuitively knew that this was an excellent area for coaching that the world demands and for coaches wanting to make a difference in the lives of their clients. I was particularly impressed with the Money Coaching Institutes coaching methodology, and the personal support provided throughout the certification program. I am particularly interested in archetypal psychology and the model driving human behaviour. Deborah’s work being a splendid labour of love in improving the human condition.”

Helen Collier, Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, Leeds, UK – “I have experienced Money Coaching not only in learning to become a Certified Money Coach with Deborah but also experiencing the process both personally and with my partner. The benefits for me personally have been immense.  Deborah’s Money Coach Training both the individual and couples programme gave my money coaching practice the structure I had been searching for. It helped me to put the focus on my work with clients on the money relationship rather than the mechanics of money, which is new concept in the UK. The method is extremely powerful and clients become fully engaged in the process of understanding and changing their money life. Experiencing Deborah in action has been a delight, her ability to she what’s hidden in the shadows, bring it out into the light, then coach forward from this is inspiring.”

Sandra Stewart, CFP®, Stewart Financial Services, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada – “Deborah eloquently and graciously weaves her way through her coaching process. She compassionately and effectively guides her clients to a greater understanding of themselves, their past; and their influence on their behaviour. All the while, maintaining their dignity and building them up to embrace the courage needed to change their future to the one they desire. As a student of Deborah’s, I am honoured to have experienced her demonstrate exactly what it means to be a professional, compassionate and highly effective coach. As I launch my money coaching practice, I know that it is because of Deborah’s training, that I will serve my client’s well.  I can only hope to be as amazingly affective a coach as she!”

Karen McAllister, Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, Sao Paola, Brazil – “I was trained in money coaching and couple’s coaching by Deborah. It is so refreshing and deeply fulfilling to be trained by someone who speaks to the shadow, the part that is causing so much suffering and dissatisfaction in the person or partnership. Deborah has trained me to look at what is not being said, and has taught me skillful and compassionate approaches to work with people and their shadows around money. Brilliant!”

Vivian Faulkner, Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, Overland Park, Kansas – “Helping people as a Money Coach has called to me since 2004 when I began training with Deborah at The Money Coaching Institute.  I have taken her Money Coaching class and her Warrior Bootcamp for Business class which have been invaluable in building my understanding and confidence in my own abilities and to create the most positive and heart centered approach to helping others that I know.  Deborah is incredibly gifted, knowledgeable and available as a teacher.  Her methods and guidance are easy to understand and she has developed a system that really works on many levels for both the client AND the practitioner.”

Donna Colfer, Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, Kenwood, CA – “Meeting Deborah Price has changed my life by changing my career! Being trained in this transformational body of work has literally brought two of my very different worlds together for the first time; my numbers world and my spiritual one. I have a background in accounting and I’m also a Minister. With Deborah as my mentor and teacher I have changed the way I do business and am able to make a good living even through the financial crisis. Being a Certified Money Coach, I’m able to bring all of my skills and talents to my clients in a more holistic and healing way. Addressing money issues from an emotional, psychological, practical, and spiritual perspective is what the world needs right now. Thank you, Deborah, for pioneering this incredible body of work! I’m living my purpose and passion!”

Beth Raps, Ph.D., Certified Money Coach(CMC)® & Founder of Raising Clarity, Washington, DC – “Working with Deborah and becoming a Money Coach has improved my life personally as well as my work serving solopreneurs and nonprofit entrepreneurs. As a coach working on nonprofit projects as their organizational development and fundraising consultant, I interweave money coaching consciously and at a depth level marked by the influence of my generation’s transformational, landmark thinker Deborah L. Price. I am forever grateful for my life-changing learning with, and practice under, Deborah generous, spirited, disciplined mentoring. My clients are fascinated and compelled by the archetypal understructure and brain science on which Deborah has so skillfully founded money coaching’s profound psychological and spiritual insights for individuals, couples, and organizations.”

Michael Laine, CFP® & Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, Laine Wealth Management, Culver City, CA – “As a 30-year advisor in the Wealth Management profession, Deborah’s training in money coaching has not only improved my own money behavior but more importantly it is an amazing tool that helps me deepen my client relationships.”

Michael Smit, Certified Money Coach(CMC)® & Hypnotherapist , San Francisco, CA – “The framework of the money coaching method that Deborah Price has developed can lead to insight and wisdom around one’s relationship with money, and more. Deborah has demonstrated pathways to successfully transform one’s relationship with money for the better. She has personally proven time and time again to have great insight and compassion, patience, wisdom and loving curiosity to help clients process the obstacles they encounter within themselves in order to become more self-manifested, and lead more fulfilling, independent, financial lives. Both the archetypes and the work have helped me as a coach and have become a useful part of my own life too.”

Angie Grainger, Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, CFP®, CPA, Napa, CA – “Deborah Price has amazing insight and dedication toward changing the way people think about money.  My work as a money coach allows me to help clients improve their finances, not only through financial services, but through helping change their money behaviors, as well as their relationships.  Deborah has been instrumental and motivational in paving the road for me to expand in this way.”

Kyoko Connolly, Certified Money Coach(CMC)®, Seattle, CA – “Becoming a Certified Money Coach under Deborah’s brilliant, systematic training was the best choice I’ve ever made. Her step-by-step process made it easy to provide life changing results for my clients. Her intuitive and authentic approach is a level no other coach has!”
