Claire Coleman - My Big Rich Life
Our relationship with money impacts every aspect of our lives. During the money coaching process, I will take you on a powerful journey of exploration and self-discovery of both your childhood and family dynamics around money.
Conoce al entrenador
I feel everyone, despite their socioeconomic background, deserves a chance to receive compassionate guidance and support to overcome challenging behaviors and achieve financial clarity and success. I am compassionate, accepting, and have a strong spiritual background that informs my work. The demographic that sits close to home for me are millennials as I am currently living and growing as a millennial. Thus, I and am able to empathize and connect with this group on a more personal level. Although I am the youngest coach trained by The Money Coaching Institute, I am an old soul and have had to overcome many challenges of my own.
Mi misión
My goal is to help clients discover their unconscious feelings, behaviors, and beliefs around money as well as provide practical guidance and support. I offer behavioral, practical, and compassionate advice to help my clients create greater balance, happiness, and success personally and financially.
Financial challenges today bring so much shadow to individuals’ lives, and bringing out the light in them takes careful, mindful, and intentional coaching.Through the money coaching process, I offer…
- Practical, grounded guidance and support
- Professional coaching and perspectives
- The transformation of patterns, behaviors, and emotions that no longer serve you
- Encouragement and support for creating your best life
Coaching de dinero individual
Individual Money Coaching is designed to explore your patterns and behaviors around money. Through the 4-step Core Process we explore your money biography, identify from whom you’ve inherited patterns, and how to manage those influences. Take the Cuestionario de tipo de dinero to find out your money influences.
El proceso básico inicial de cuatro pasos
Individual Money Coaching is designed as a positive and productive way to explore, discover and transform your unconscious patterns and behaviors around money that keep you from being successful. Through the 4-step Core Process we explore together your Money Biography, identify from whom you’ve inherited patterns (both positive and negative) and how to manage their influences. We then determine which of your gifts, talents and abilities are most valuable to you and how to leverage them to achieve your highest potential. The Money Coaching Process is highly experiential and during these sessions you will learn how you are “hardwired” around money in ways that are generally not fully conscious. By the end of the fourth session, you will have a clear understanding of your core money patterns and their origin and can begin to work on your “Money Coaching Action Plan.”
Plan de acción de coaching de dinero
El cambio de cualquier tipo solo puede tener lugar bajo ciertas condiciones. En Money Coaching, estas condiciones son triples:
1. Una comprensión y un nuevo nivel de conciencia sobre cuál es el problema o problema.
2. The willingness to change, which literally involves doing something different than what we’ve been doing previously.
3. Implementar nuevas estrategias y acciones para el cambio.
Coaching continuo: soporte y responsabilidad
Como su asesor financiero, trabajaré con usted continuamente para apoyarlo y ayudarlo a mantener el rumbo y la responsabilidad de crear los cambios que desea.
One of the core beliefs in Money Coaching is that awareness needs to be followed through with action in order for meaningful change to occur. I am committed to working with you on an on-going basis and consider myself a partner in your success. On-going support and coaching programs are designed to your particular need. This can be accomplished in a series of weekly online session to help you implement the changes you desire.
Designaciones y Asociaciones