Ofrecemos capacitación remota basada en la web a través de nuestro Centro de capacitación en línea
- Every Tuesday starting on June 25th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm PST (San Francisco) / 9:00am – 11:00pm AEDT (Sydney) for 16 weeks (Note: This class is open to enrollment through June 25th)
- Every Wednesday starting on June 26th from 9:00am – 11:00am PST (San Francisco) / 5:00pm – 7:00pm GMT (London) for 16 weeks (Note: This class can be joined through July 17th)
- Every Wednesday starting on July 17th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm PST (San Francisco) / 9:00am – 11:00pm AEDT (Sydney) for 16 weeks (Note: This class is open to enrollment through August 7th)
- Every Tuesday starting on July 23rd from 9:00am – 11:00am PST (San Francisco) / 5:00pm – 7:00pm GMT (London) for 16 weeks (Note: This class can be joined through August 13th)
- Spanish Language Class – New Classes Starting on August 7th! Contact us at dprice@nulomoneycoachinginstitute.com for more information.
All class times above are subject to change depending upon enrollment. Please Note: Our classes are limited to eight people to allow for personal attention. Seats are given on a first come first serve basis. We encourage you to enroll at the time of interest to secure your seat.
Having trouble finding a class time suitable in your time zone? Contact us about our Independent Study options which can be completed online at your own pace. Please contact us at dprice@nulomoneycoachinginstitute.com or call us at 707-778-6206. We’d be happy to assist you in looking at alternative training options.
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Descripción de la certificación:
Nuestros programas de entrenamiento exclusivos le brindarán las herramientas para ayudarlo a trabajar con individuos, parejas y negocios a fin de desarrollar nuevos niveles de conocimiento y potencial no explotado para que puedan alcanzar mayores niveles de éxito personal, profesional y financieramente. Money Coaching es una trayectoria profesional gratificante y emocionante o un área de especialidad para agregar a su práctica. Es ideal para aquellas personas interesadas en apoyar creativamente el crecimiento y desarrollo de los demás.
Módulo uno: Money Coaching “Core Process” consists of four hours of Individual Money Coaching. This is an experiential process is not part of the training curriculum but is highly recommended before becoming a Certified Money Coach (CMC) ®
Módulo Dos: The Foundations of Money Coaching – During this online class you will learn both the theory and practice of money coaching, a proprietary step-by-step process, and methodology that applies cutting-edge research from the field’s of neuroscience, neuro-economics and the behavioral sciences to help clients identify and change their money patterns and behaviors. This class is two-hours long and is held weekly for four consecutive weeks.
Módulo tres: Upon completion of the above, coaches begin a sixteen-week online Coach/Mentor training during which time you learn to apply the principles you have learned with your own “practice clients” (two required). During this segment of the training, coaches participate in a weekly online class that supports you in learning how to effectively coach your own clients, deepen your learning of the money coaching processes, and complete your certification requirements (see below*).
Costo de entrenamiento y certificación: $ 2,500.00
* Requisitos de certificación: Los candidatos certificados deben completar los Módulos Uno, Dos y Tres; completar el "Proceso central" y una evaluación del cliente en un mínimo de dos "clientes de práctica"; complete todos los ejercicios en el libro de trabajo Certified Money Coach; envíe su trabajo y realice una revisión final con y para la satisfacción del Instituto de Coaching de Dinero. Al completar satisfactoriamente los puntos anteriores, los candidatos recibirán el Certified Money Coach (CMC) ® designación y se emitirá un Certificado de finalización.
Additional Money Coach Training Programs (Optional – Not Required for Certification)