Deborah Price - The Money Coaching Institute
The one thing that could change everything!
The Money Coaching Institute provides money coaching, business coaching, training and workshops to individuals, couples, and businesses.
Meet The Coach
Deborah Price is the Founder and CEO of the Money Coaching Institute, which provides money coaching services and training to individuals, couples and families. A former financial advisor for over twenty years with firms such as Merrill Lynch, Mass Mutual, AIG and London Pacific Advisors, Deborah left the financial industry to pioneer the field of Behavioral Money Coaching in 2001.
Coping with money issues, both practically and psychologically, continues to be a major life struggle for millions of people and yet, there is very little help available. As a result, people often manifest money patterns, beliefs and behaviors that can prevent them from experiencing their full financial potential. Deborah has developed a unique, step-by-step coaching program that helps clients move beyond barriers to their personal and financial success. As a result, client’s experience renewed hope, restored relationships, increased confidence, and enhanced personal and financial success.
Through education and awareness, Deborah is committed to empowering others both personally and financially. She is the author of Money Therapy: Using the Eight Money Types to Create Wealth and Prosperity; Money Magic: Unleashing Your Potential for Wealth and Prosperity; and her latest book, The Heart of Money: A Couples Guide to Creating True Financial Intimacy. She is considered one of the foremost experts in her field and speaks and teaches globally. She has trained over five hundred Certified Money Coaches (CMC)® throughout the USA, Canada, Singapore, England, France, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa, and Jordan.
Deborah Price is the Founder and CEO of the Money Coaching Institute, which provides money coaching services and training to individuals, couples and families.
Deborah Price is the Founder and CEO of the Money Coaching Institute, which provides money coaching services and training to individuals, couples and families.
Novato, California
United States
(707) 778-6206 (USA)
Client Testimonial
“I decided to do a money coaching workshop with Deborah after a group consultation she gave to our non-profit organization. As Treasurer of the non-profit and and an ex-accountant, I was intrigued by what she had to offer. I found her work transformational on a personal and organisational level. Deborah gently brings more awareness to our unconscious attitudes and habits around money. Our organization still refers to the money archetypes in our daily work and is more focused on what we need to do.”
The Initial Four-Step Core Process
Individual money coaching is designed as a positive and productive way to explore, discover and transform your unconscious patterns and behaviors around money that keep you from being successful. Through the 4-step Core Process we explore together your Money Biography, identify from whom you’ve inherited patterns (both positive and negative) and how to manage their influences. We then determine which of your gifts, talents and abilities are most valuable to you and how to leverage them to achieve your highest potential. The Money Coaching Process is highly experiential and during these sessions you will learn how you are “hardwired” around money in ways that are generally not fully conscious. By the end of the fourth session, you will have a clear understanding of your core money patterns and their origin and can begin to work on your “Money Coaching Action Plan.”
Money Coaching Action Plan
Change of any kind can only take place under certain conditions. In Money Coaching, these conditions are threefold:
1. An understanding and new level of awareness of what the problem or issue is
2. The willingness to change, which literally involves doing something different than what we’ve been doing previously
3. Implementing new strategies and actions for change
On-going Coaching: Support and Accountability
As your money coach, I will work with you on an on-going basis to support you and help you to stay on track and accountable to creating the changes you desire.
One of the core beliefs in Money Coaching is that awareness needs to be followed through with action in order for meaningful change to occur. I am committed to working with you on an on-going basis and consider myself a partner in your success. On-going support and coaching programs are designed to your particular need. This can be accomplished in a series of weekly or bi-weekly sessions to help you implement the changes you desire.
The Heart of Money Couples Coaching
Money dynamics begin to develop in couples based upon their individual relationships with money. Both people in a relationship have beliefs and patterns that collectively create the issues and relationship that couples have with money. In some cases, money issues create fear, tension, and conflict, especially when a couple has not made clear agreements around money in the beginning of their relationship. This coaching process creates an understanding of the patterns that emerge between couples around money and teaches couples how to compassionately communicate in a healthy,constructive ways regarding money.
Money Coaching for Couples is conducted similarly to individual coaching, but requires a minimum of 6 sessions.
The initial process involves four sessions as a couple and one session with each person separately for a total of six sessions. Once a couple is done with the initial “core” process, they often need to continue their coaching to implement new strategies and behaviors over a period of time.
Money continues to be one of the main causes of discord and divorce so Money Coaching is a great investment in your marriage!
Learning about the Eight Money Archetypes is a dynamic and exciting way to become aware of your underlying patterns and behaviors around money.
These Archetypes are present in all of us. You will take a Money Type Quiz and we will take a look at the unique blend of types that are currently active in your life, which are beneficial and which ones need your attention to create the right blend of factors to help you move towards prosperity and a more purposeful life.
This powerful six week process is a low cost alternative to individual Money Coaching Sessions.
A Money Coaching Circle is a dynamic way to help uncover, examine and transform unconscious patterns and beliefs about money. We benefit from hearing other’s stories while the work we do as a group remains confidential and judgement-free. As part of the circle, you will be able to take a look at your relationship with money and move beyond limiting behaviors that keep you from realizing your goals and dreams, both financially and professionally.
This powerful six week process is a low cost alternative to individual Money Coaching Sessions. Circles typically consist of 4 – 6 people and are held weekly for 2 hours.
This 2-hour workshop helps you become aware of how and where your relationship with money began and ways in which you transform patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck financially and personally. You will learn about the Eight Money Archetypes and take the Money Type Quiz which will illuminate behaviors around money that are currently present in your life and what you can do to manage them.
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